Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Very busy

With great wether, camping season to start soon, gardening season started and lots of young live on our farm we are rather busy!

However we got help from our new electrician, if she is not too busy playing in her sandbath, she assembles the elctricity for our campsite.

Lambs are doing well, eating, growing, getting used to their new environment. Goats are less happy, they have lost complete freedom till at least end September. We fenced a field around our pond for them.

The garden is, although it is very dry, doing fine. Potatoes are sprouting, peas have germinated, spinach too and was then eaten by a chichen :-(, red beets, lettuce, onions have surviced chicken attack.

And last but not least - our road is about to be finished! We have been scooping many cubic metres of gravel on the stone-filled tracks.

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